These satchels will be obtainable until the end of August!
?Honor and XP boosts every weekend of August! Start-> Friday 16:00 End-> Sunday 23:59
Honor rate will be increased to x2, XP multipliers will also be doubled (level 1-67 (x6) -> level 68-80 (x4)). There will be an option to disable the experience boost with a command: .xp boost in case you prefer to level at a slower pace to enjoy the blizzlike experience.
?Weekend XP boost and boost from store DOESN'T STACK:exclamation:
Sunwell Lottery - every 6 hours there will be a lottery draw picked from the pool of all players who are level 25 or higher, the only requirement is being online during the draw. One randomly chosen player will be awarded with either a mount or a pet (reward is selected randomly from the store).
We hope you'll enjoy it