PVP Stats - TOP 100 Battlegrounds

See the best of the best and take advantage of them to beat

Top 100 guilds with the biggest amount of Honorable Kills in BattleGrounds

The Honorable Kills of guilds are the amount of honorable kills of each current guild member.

# Guild HK
1 The Kingdom 646135
2 Light of Dawn 632532
3 Les Nuttenh Ayms 563470
4 Pierozki 540025
5 Ninjas in pyjamas 510100
6 Not Good Enough 497330
7 FSK 481005
8 kabanZ 476947
9 Pozdro v Pocwicz 423385
10 Murloc Brotherhood 395621
11 Kings of elwynn 395344
12 Deportivo Playa Ancha 380647
13 Demons of Chaos 370804
14 Narcosis 355369
15 Middle Earth 338566
16 Prominence 323512
17 Haze 307985
18 Drink Water 303561
19 ZapaSowa Gildia 290596
20 Devoted CZSK 282002
21 Disenchant 278778
22 Legion of Doom 272128
23 Odciete Naplety Powstaja 269077
24 RE MOA 264916
25 Ensidia 256620
26 Synthesis 256493
27 Hentaii Fanclub 253950
28 Blood EniX 246816
29 Legendary Knights 245680
30 Darksun 245237
31 Ascension 241482
32 Serenity 235288
33 Wrong Neighbourhood 228195
34 Zoo 222590
35 lmao 216972
36 Nova 211718
37 Drunk N Disorderly 209812
38 Chosen 209358
39 Void 191194
40 Demonetized 188852
41 TEMPLARI 185757
42 Nais Ghild 184309
43 Forsaken 183603
44 Knights templars 180577
45 First Blood 179768
46 Valhalla Frat Boys 178921
47 lnvasion 177197
48 Loot Dungeon 174287
49 Bloodlust 173610
50 Friends 172490
51 Event Horizon 169471
52 Last Resort 159320
53 Storm Patrol 158721
54 Arthas was wrong 158532
55 Indestructible 157565
56 Legiao Lusitana 154339
57 Arthas was right 152992
58 Dzika Banda 152219
59 Iskrystaller 151588
60 Tegridy Employees 150591
61 Until Dawn 147528
62 Triggered 145233
63 Next Week Boss 143924
64 Sunced 143364
65 Miss Concept 143145
66 Wrath 138343
67 Skill Capped 136340
68 Clarity 136173
69 Dragon 135945
70 MADE IN USSR 135576
71 Lotus 133896
72 SWC 132842
73 By The Way 131139
74 Shadow Embrace 130930
75 Horyzont 130733
76 Death Army 126128
77 Free Bleeders 123598
78 Myt 122301
79 ADIDAS 119841
80 We pee in moonwells 118594
81 Paraphrase 118314
82 Last Chance 116562
83 Death Source 112604
84 Warlords 112563
85 FubaCake 112438
86 Demise 106389
87 Alliance 106321
88 Necropolis 105922
89 Shut Up And Color 104141
90 Invictus 103961
91 Tattaglia 103559
92 My Nie Panimaju 101431
93 Destiny 101305
94 Just Pug It 100421
95 Cursed 98543
96 KOXPL PVP 97551
97 AKGaming 95018
98 ModeRatorzy 92761
99 Zakon Redemption 92536
100 Malice in my pants 92257

Top 100 players with the biggest amount of Honorable Kills in BattleGrounds


# Character Race Class Points
1 Heector 115349
2 Kougraxd 108830
3 Hamza 108081
4 Delajt 105735
5 Zabii 96562
6 Hydrickle 95371
7 Anomaly 92235
8 Ballada 85654
9 Deadlycure 84800
10 Atkrues 84036
11 Ceta 80000
12 Shiromar 79212
13 Dismas 74802
14 Mugenz 73952
15 Hellhammer 68607
16 Hydrii 64889
17 Alandiz 64825
18 Araevyn 64349
19 Jojoxmayer 62921
20 Secret 59771
21 Zivotinja 55951
22 Aari 55410
23 Dimmu 52219
24 Brooklyn 50129
25 Groszkowa 50074
26 Callem 49317
27 Fauve 48726
28 Mtalico 47994
29 Cassiusmax 47537
30 Jbpis 47480
31 Idka 46310
32 Tatsumaki 45140
33 Dunmer 45068
34 Dargorus 44063
35 Grinstar 42508
36 Animewaifu 41799
37 Yamakatoo 41743
38 Sorryguys 41647
39 Xtraterestrl 40989
40 Venomblade 40979
41 Tequilliana 39099
42 Yokozunka 39035
43 Abdon 38773
44 Jojomayer 38076
45 Karada 37971
46 Szelma 37792
47 Szachrajka 37465
48 Antilingu 37441
49 Blackberries 36964
50 Vorusk 36894
51 Deadserwer 36681
52 Bidikey 36677
53 Sacredarrow 36551
54 Ghorag 36443
55 Goldenpower 35990
56 Tarathiell 35959
57 Warrotem 35747
58 Jellie 35398
59 Different 34893
60 Touchfaith 34717
61 Aneryia 34360
62 Vidyaslayz 34258
63 Malcolm 33925
64 Milanlord 33774
65 Pastet 33734
66 Krix 33565
67 Dyo 33469
68 Superpusia 32878
69 Orkmaciejj 32799
70 Laprohibida 31846
71 Cjr 31818
72 Karcer 31446
73 Shadowballs 31369
74 Ionized 31214
75 Festence 31114
76 Forderr 30912
77 Szerli 30796
78 Fabiolus 30584
79 Czaczuka 30575
80 Lsdqtx 30135
81 Cetriolo 29996
82 Moosetrax 29851
83 Goochilz 29544
84 Tafflawody 29315
85 Lopiik 29231
86 Adrianou 29193
87 Ahnabell 29150
88 Chorwacja 28768
89 Hardware 28693
90 Warotem 28637
91 Goudax 28579
92 Axxia 28521
93 Nokk 28465
94 Cozmo 28405
95 Kalkstien 28299
96 Tentra 28196
97 Zikkurat 28078
98 Ogtesik 27860
99 Impulsator 27845
100 Szarek 27780

Top 100 guilds with the biggest amount of victories in BattleGrounds

The victories of guilds are the amount of victories of each current guild member.

# Guild Points
1 The Kingdom 12884
2 Les Nuttenh Ayms 11843
3 Light of Dawn 11037
4 Pierozki 9998
5 FSK 9000
6 Kings of elwynn 8865
7 Deportivo Playa Ancha 8633
8 Not Good Enough 7659
9 Demons of Chaos 7486
10 kabanZ 7155
11 Odciete Naplety Powstaja 6909
12 Pozdro v Pocwicz 6316
13 Legion of Doom 6250
14 Haze 5962
15 Disenchant 5727
16 Devoted CZSK 5726
17 Ninjas in pyjamas 5387
18 RE MOA 5240
19 Prominence 5206
20 Narcosis 5006
21 Hentaii Fanclub 4963
22 Legendary Knights 4745
23 Darksun 4712
24 Middle Earth 4533
25 Ensidia 4507
26 Zoo 4452
27 Serenity 4421
28 Drink Water 4350
29 Murloc Brotherhood 4339
30 Ascension 4313
31 Arthas was right 4175
32 TEMPLARI 4172
33 Wrong Neighbourhood 4137
34 Bloodlust 4058
35 Synthesis 4051
36 Arthas was wrong 4009
37 Forsaken 3882
38 lmao 3728
39 Knights templars 3670
40 Nais Ghild 3560
41 Indestructible 3424
42 Death Army 3357
43 Drunk N Disorderly 3314
44 Blood EniX 3285
45 Nova 3282
46 Void 3254
47 Loot Dungeon 3251
48 ZapaSowa Gildia 3211
49 Friends 3192
50 Storm Patrol 3177
51 Chosen 3163
52 Legiao Lusitana 3036
53 Demonetized 2996
54 Miss Concept 2953
55 lnvasion 2939
56 Valhalla Frat Boys 2886
57 Tegridy Employees 2773
58 Next Week Boss 2755
59 Lotus 2744
60 SWC 2706
61 Skill Capped 2689
62 Shadow Embrace 2607
63 Unfair 2597
64 MADE IN USSR 2584
65 Sunced 2580
66 Last Chance 2562
67 Myt 2550
68 Iskrystaller 2528
69 Free Bleeders 2501
70 Last Resort 2485
71 FubaCake 2482
72 Clarity 2378
73 Necropolis 2374
74 Shut Up And Color 2352
75 Invictus 2331
76 By The Way 2322
77 Prime 2300
78 Death Source 2271
79 Wrath 2262
80 We pee in moonwells 2249
81 Event Horizon 2247
82 Horyzont 2244
83 Metalheads 2215
84 Tattaglia 2140
85 Unique 2139
86 Zoo Keepers 2139
87 Oceanic 2137
88 AKGaming 2118
89 Last Tbachwila 2080
90 Zakon Redemption 2061
91 Breakeven 2050
92 My Nie Panimaju 2037
93 KOXPL PVP 2029
94 Alliance 2011
95 The Expendables 2007
96 Until Dawn 1999
97 Dzika Banda 1960
98 First Blood 1955
99 ADIDAS 1906
100 Warlords 1905

Top 100 players with the biggest amount of victories in BattleGrounds


# Player Race Class Guild Points

Top 100 guilds with the biggest amount of Honorable Kills in BattleGrounds

The Honorable Kills of guilds are the amount of honorable kills of each current guild member.

# Guild HK
1 Nameless 72678
2 Make Ally Great Again 68815
3 Do u Wanna Be a Gangsta 60367
4 Aesir 60238
5 Gloria 56208
6 Not Good Enough 53266
7 Luki Pipol 48244
8 Plaskie Azeroth 48206
9 Xiao Cao Gu 45954
10 Difigiano 44827
11 UnbeatableGuild 43408
12 Cold Logic 40489
13 Sweaty Sack Slappers 39982
14 Offline 39709
15 Ninjas in Pyjamas 36421
16 Balkan Special Forces 35680
17 Zawsze Wina Tanka 35307
18 Madness 33954
19 Mocarne Szopy 32981
20 Alchemists Anonymous 32961
21 Invictus 32595
22 Gangstarrs 30674
23 Look At Me Now 28185
24 unrivalled 26263
25 Our Turn 26178
26 Plebania 25730
27 Just Pug It 24269
28 Vozdovacki Klan 24204
29 Zakon Redemption 23901
30 Kantyna Laser 23501
31 Heroes of Might n Magic 23228
32 Remastered 22914
33 Unknown 22855
34 Trupa Fantomu 22595
35 Wu Tang Clan 22120
36 Delusional 21969
37 Rekiny Alberta 20518
38 Marvelous 20024
39 Forward Unto Dawn 19924
40 Loktar Ogar 19681
41 NIRR 19543
42 In parrocchia con Rakiza 19363
43 Salty 17314
44 Smug Anime Girls 16922
45 Inner Sanctum 16918
46 Blunders And Sunders 16537
47 Guerreros de Ysera 16007
48 cozy 15926
49 Resurrected 15781
50 didnt read the mechanics 15417
51 Ember Peak 15178
52 Tre Kronor 14834
53 Capitalism is BiS 14619
54 Hand of Elune 14566
55 Extreme 13811
56 Destylatorzy 13809
57 TQLA 13697
58 NoStress 13319
59 Reformed 13176
60 Avengers 13109
61 AgainstAllOdds 12654
62 Friendship is Magic 12429
63 Rend thirty sec 12279
64 Saunset 11704
65 Limitless 11508
66 Gwardia Przymierza 11489
67 Laughing Coffin 11128
68 Stormforged 10887
69 RESTECP 10886
70 Krtina 10752
71 Klub Praga 10750
72 Shaping New Tomorrow 10744
73 Fabriken 10582
74 Leather Club 10577
75 TOP ROJLA 9171
76 HonorHolics 8836
77 The Italian Job 8796
78 Team Dansebar Esport 8679
79 Thugz 8642
80 Unpog 8598
81 Prime 8530
82 Memories 8495
83 Baszanga 8473
84 Valar Morghulis 8379
85 Falange Tracotante 8333
86 Land Of Death 8154
87 Spite 8031
88 Death Dealers 8003
89 Grey Wardens 7838
90 Oro na boro 7450
91 AKATSUKI 7316
92 Syndicate 7175
93 Breakeven 6754
94 Forever Young 6648
95 RCM 6524
96 es a haverok 6483
97 Ready Check 6420
98 RP Walkers 6350
99 Hallow Hearts 6281
100 AFK 6192

Top 100 players with the biggest amount of Honorable Kills in BattleGrounds


# Character Race Class Points
1 Velia 14664
2 Hamza 13096
3 Aurora 12276
4 Domai 9434
5 Mocny 9334
6 Cjr 8369
7 Vinipooh 8011
8 Bart 7913
9 Ildjarn 7599
10 Mostra 7558
11 Slowedreverb 7381
12 Fritzl 7245
13 Antiparazi 7028
14 Hydri 6974
15 Sacredarrow 6771
16 Elaronek 6553
17 Ashie 6548
18 Wylewiarz 6372
19 Emma 6341
20 Likmabumhair 6189
21 Happy 6041
22 Esniper 6029
23 Niales 5933
24 Eluna 5803
25 Janusztracz 5713
26 Zzs 5634
27 Mafy 5559
28 Pakobot 5483
29 Beliona 5440
30 Omni 5430
31 Stickah 5389
32 Frayen 5357
33 Albin 5354
34 Jimmysavile 5284
35 Nikka 5270
36 Levii 5221
37 Magetrainer 5211
38 Rakiza 5191
39 Mist 5011
40 Klavisz 5008
41 Yuul 4938
42 Spremicazzi 4919
43 Thumphinelph 4831
44 Danjalbbc 4686
45 Dunmer 4658
46 Ogicari 4560
47 Namaste 4553
48 Rugri 4440
49 Arena 4425
50 Dafna 4384
51 Zlc 4364
52 Fudi 4361
53 Heironius 4331
54 Daveyjones 4321
55 Bigguy 4258
56 Patrokles 4243
57 Kaitianzhan 4213
58 Szajn 4202
59 Szuler 4182
60 Vorusk 4169
61 Truejusticex 4160
62 Supernaut 4160
63 Tirauflanc 4150
64 Muerteverde 4137
65 Bam 4109
66 Kido 4101
67 Mozenrath 4094
68 Frostap 4087
69 Mari 4077
70 Dogstomper 4048
71 Bocun 4047
72 Lingusterqx 4038
73 Pollo 4017
74 Kapi 3999
75 Frigo 3924
76 Mortalus 3886
77 Omfgurpwned 3858
78 Yuki 3857
79 Nezu 3843
80 Bladeturtle 3842
81 Hacked 3837
82 Grimgravy 3814
83 Balaiachiote 3792
84 Kashi 3773
85 Bitazzi 3767
86 Timoondancer 3761
87 Simono 3754
88 Nonestop 3732
89 Idka 3702
90 Kelista 3686
91 Hayai 3607
92 Dkiappa 3578
93 Moonchildz 3567
94 Longears 3562
95 Bodil 3536
96 Xardasiak 3527
97 Buker 3518
98 Zulugula 3493
99 Zeus 3489
100 Raynald 3478

Top 100 guilds with the biggest amount of victories in BattleGrounds

The victories of guilds are the amount of victories of each current guild member.

# Guild Points
1 UnbeatableGuild 1034
2 Plaskie Azeroth 1030
3 Make Ally Great Again 980
4 Luki Pipol 851
5 Nameless 840
6 Gloria 797
7 Do u Wanna Be a Gangsta 698
8 Aesir 680
9 Gangstarrs 667
10 Cold Logic 637
11 Zawsze Wina Tanka 593
12 Offline 565
13 Difigiano 563
14 Not Good Enough 517
15 Madness 516
16 Look At Me Now 512
17 Plebania 503
18 Trupa Fantomu 501
19 Xiao Cao Gu 499
20 Alchemists Anonymous 483
21 In parrocchia con Rakiza 448
22 Zakon Redemption 435
23 Just Pug It 385
24 Invictus 376
25 Destylatorzy 372
26 Heroes of Might n Magic 348
27 Wu Tang Clan 323
28 Our Turn 318
29 Balkan Special Forces 317
30 Kantyna Laser 307
31 Hand of Elune 295
32 Marvelous 267
33 Guerreros de Ysera 258
34 Remastered 250
35 Ninjas in Pyjamas 250
36 TQLA 238
37 TOP ROJLA 228
38 Klub Praga 226
39 Loktar Ogar 226
40 Mocarne Szopy 218
41 Friendship is Magic 213
42 Salty 209
43 AgainstAllOdds 202
44 Resurrected 200
45 Delusional 187
46 Inner Sanctum 182
47 Sweaty Sack Slappers 181
48 Gwardia Przymierza 180
49 Smug Anime Girls 179
50 Rekiny Alberta 179
51 didnt read the mechanics 179
52 Krtina 172
53 Unknown 170
54 cozy 169
55 unrivalled 164
56 Fabriken 162
57 Land Of Death 159
58 Stormforged 158
59 RESTECP 157
60 Limitless 157
61 Tre Kronor 154
62 Vozdovacki Klan 153
63 Baszanga 153
64 Blunders And Sunders 153
65 Oro na boro 150
66 Leather Club 144
67 Extreme 137
68 Rend thirty sec 136
69 Avengers 133
70 NIRR 132
71 The Italian Job 132
72 NoStress 127
73 Spite 126
74 Reformed 125
75 Ember Peak 120
76 Team Dansebar Esport 120
77 Fame MMA 119
78 Forward Unto Dawn 116
79 Democracy Doesnt Work 115
80 The Gayfias Brotherhood 110
81 Ready Check 108
82 Knights of Nordend 108
83 East coast savages 107
85 Valhalla 104
86 Shaping New Tomorrow 103
87 Thugz 98
88 Drunk Raiding 98
89 es a haverok 96
90 Graveyard Keepers 95
91 Somali Yacht Club 94
92 Capitalism is BiS 94
94 Sell hemp buy Primo 91
95 Falange Tracotante 91
96 the godz of GAMEING 88
97 Hallow Hearts 86
98 AFK 85
99 Death Dealers 85
100 Laughing Coffin 83

Top 100 players with the biggest amount of victories in BattleGrounds


# Player Race Class Guild Points